Hut und Gitarre sind sein Markenzeichen, seine Stimme ist seine Visitenkarte  – Marko Govorčin ist eine fixe Größe der Galerie b11 und regelmäßig dort anzutreffen. Egal, ob er alleine oder mit Freunden performt, seinem Motto “begeistern auf hohem Niveau” wird er immer gerecht. Sein 39 Scprachen umfassendes Repertoire kann sich sehen lassen: Angefangen von Pop, Soul, Latin, und Jazz songs über traditionelle Balkan – und World . Musik bis hin zu eigenen Liedern , wecken seine Konzerte vor allem eines: Den Wunsch, beim nächsten Mal wieder dabei zu sein!

His hat and his guitar are his trademarks, his voice is his business card. No metter whether he performs single or with friends, he always acts according to his motto “inspire your audience with best quality” and he, of course, keeps this promise. His repertoire comprises songs in no less than 39 languages, from pop, soul, Latin and jazz, to traditional world music, and songs from Balkans, not to forget his self composed songs. When Marko is on the stage, he manages to create a desire in the hearts of his listeners: to be part of the audiance the next time he is in concert.

Šesir i gitara su njegov zaštitni znak, njegov glas je njegova vizit karta. Svejedno da li nastupa sam ili s prijateljima, uvijek je vjeran svome motu “vrhunskom izvedbom nadahnuti publiku”. U repertoaru koji obuhvata 39 jezika, on pjeva pop, soul, jazz i latin, zatim tradicionalne “world music” i pjesme sa balkana, kao i vlastite kompozicije. Markovi nastupi prije svega bude želju da se slijedeći put opet dođe na njegov koncert!